Sunday, March 26, 2006

Breakup Blues

It has just been a day after the announcement of the SweetS breakup and i feel really upset about it already.  I usually wake up to download the latest PVs and check out their official site + the Aki/Aya blog, which motivates me to study Japanese afterwards, but now i wasn't in the mood anymore.
For over two years me and the sweetsdesu peeps (especially Bene, Hansen, Genji, cool beans) would eagerly anticipate their every single and make graphics, sigs and avatars on Photoshop while waiting for the release date. Then we started singing and recording our own SweetS songs and english-subbed the old SweetS videos. And then just two weeks ago, we finished our first international gift project for SweetS where over 20 people participated. Sure some people speculate they'll be back as solo artists, but it won't be the same anymore.
i remembered in psychology class that there were phases of grief or extreme sadness that everyone goes through. These were shock, denial, anger, depression, etc. i think i've gone through all stages except the last one which is acceptance and hope:

shock - "WTF?!?!? They're breaking up?!?!"
denial - "Noooooo!! Nononononono!!"
guilt - "but i still have SweetS fan art to make.."
anger - "Damn Avex for allowing them to break up!"
depression - "I've been a SweetS fan for so long.. what am i gonna do now?!?"
acceptance and hope - (not yet)

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